

Five-player Landlord or commonly known as Five-Person Fight of the Landlord is a Chinese traditional card game originated from Taiwan. It is usually played with 3-5 people and one normal deck of 54 cards. The goal is for each player to try to ‘win the landlord’ and get the highest points by combining their cards properly.

      Five-player Landlord or commonly known a

      Generally, before the game starts, every player will randomly draw one card to determine which one of them will be the landlord. Once the landlord is determined, the landlord will get three extra cards which are not visible to other players. Then, the dealer will distribute 17 cards to each player one by one in a clockwise direction and put the remaining three cards in the middle of the table, making them visible to everyone.

      After that, players will start bidding to determine who is the one with the highest rank among all the players. Each player can make a bid by choosing how many points they want to win by the end of the game. The top bidder becomes the landlord for this round and has a chance to win more points than others. The dealer will start the bidding from the player is located on the left side of the landlord and then go around the table. If the landlord chooses to bid 0, then it means that no one wants to become the landlord and the dealer will have to redistribute the cards and start the bidding again.

      Once the landlord is determined, the landlord can choose to delay their play by passing the turn to their left or right. After that, the other players will have to pass their turn in a clockwise direction until the landlord decides to show his/her cards. The landlord’s card combination must be higher than anyone else’s on the table or they will lose the game.

      The card combinations in the Five-Person Fighting with the Landlord have many different forms. The most common ones are single, double, triple, group, straight and flush. Single refers to the combination of one card; double refers to two cards that have the same rank; triple refers to three cards that have the same rank; group refers to four cards with the same rank; straight refers to five consecutive cards of any suit; flush refers to five cards of the same suit.

      If any player has a combination of these five forms, they will need to declare it. The game continues until all players have shown their combination and the landlord wins or loses. At the end of the game, the player who has the highest score will be the winner.

      To sum up, Five-player Landlord is a great example of traditional Chinese card games that require critical thinking and wits to successfully win the game. With careful planning and strategic moves, the landlord has the chance to defeat all other players and rise to victory.
